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HESA Student Record 2007/08

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HESA Student Record 2007/08

XML Sample Data

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Version 1.1 Produced 2008-04-04

To assist institutions in getting to grips with the new xml file structure of the 2007/08 Student Record, HESA has produced eleven sample data files.

These files are available for institutions to download and can be used in conjunction with the new Student Record validation kit.


This is an example of the return of an undergraduate first degree course at an English institution. (Course.COURSEAIM = H00).

Note: Course.COLLORG and Course.CLSDCRS are required fields for English institutions


This is an example of a return for a Northern Irish institution for an undergraduate credits course (Course.COURSEAIM = C90).

Note: Institutions in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales should not complete Course.COLLORG and Course.CLSDCRS


A student on a course is referred to as an instance. Since it is possible for a student to undertake more than one course during the reporting year, there may be more than one instance for a student in an institution's return. This example shows a student with two instances, one for each course.


This example shows a student as a FE learner funded by the LSC who is studying at FE level.

Note: Where a student studying at an HEI is studying at an FE level and is funded by the LSC or WAG_DELLS the field Instance.FESTUMK must be completed (Instance.FESTUMK = 1).


This example shows a student as a FE learner funded by the LSC who is studying at HE level. Instance.FESTUMK has been completed to indicate this (Instance.FESTUMK = 3).

Note: The funding councils have advised that LSC and WAG-DELLS do not ordinarily fund students studying at HE level within HEIs. It is therefore recommended that any institution who believes they have students in this category contact HESA before coding. (


This example shows a student that is now dormant but was previously studying on a full time research course (Instance.MODE = 73 and Course.COURSEAIM = D00).

Note: When Instance.MODE = 73, 74 or 51 the field Instance.MCDATE must be completed to include the date the student moved from an ‘active’ to a dormant mode (Instance.MCDATE = 2007-09-11).


This example shows a student continuing their doctorate study in a second HESA reporting period. The student instance refers to the institution’s course with Course.COURSEAIM = D00.

Note: RAE data is required to be returned for all active students where the course aim is L00, L80, L90 or L99 or begins with D and it is not a reduced return. (RAEData.UOA2008 = 20; RAEData.UOAPCNT = 100)


This example shows a student on an ‘INSET’ teacher training course. (Course.TTCID = 5).

Note: Qualification on entry data for this student has been provided by UCAS. Where this data is provided the QualificationsOnEntry entity should be completed. (QUALTYPE = A; QUALSBJ = A11; QUALGRADE = B; QUALYEAR = 2007; QUALSIT = W)


This example consists of an initial teacher training course not leading to Qualified teacher status (Course.TTCID = 2) and two modules. The course details contain the additional teaching qualification specific fields Course.TQSSEC and Course.TQSSUB.

Note: Course.TQSSEC must be included for teacher training courses for Scottish and Northern Irish institutions and indicates the course’s education sector.
Course.TQSSUB is only for teacher training courses for Scottish institutions and indicates which subjects the students are pursuing their teaching qualifications.


This example consists of a student registered on a non teacher training course (Course.TTCID = 0) and studying on two modules. (StudentOnModule *2). The details also show that the student left the student instance in this return with a qualification (Instance.ENDDATE = 2008-07-01; Instance.RSNEND = 01) The entry profile for the student shows that they have previously taken the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma course and have received a qualification (EntryProfile.WELBACC = 1). In addition the student has deemed themselves to be a fluent welsh speaker (Student.WELSSP = 1).

Note: Fields EntryProfile.WELBACC and Student.WELSSP must be included in returns from Welsh institutions but are optional for institutions in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.


This example provides an example of coding a medical undergraduate degree course.

Note: Unlike the Welsh FE example, in this case the student has not left the student instance and therefore Instance.ENDDATE must be set to null. (ENDDATE ReasonForNull="9")

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.