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Open data and official statistics

We publish data on all aspects of the UK higher education sector. This includes information about:


Entrants, qualifiers and total numbers


Demographic and contract characteristics


Survey results showing the activities of recent graduates


Income, expenditure and financial statements of HE providers

Business and Community Interaction

Intellectual property, services and engagement

Estates Management

Environmental information

Socioeconomic Index for Small Areas (SEISA)

HESA's UK-wide small area measure of deprivation.


HESA's research into HE topics

Publications archive

Published HESA statistics since 1996

View schedule of upcoming data releases

About HESA open data

Data published on the HESA website is free to copy, use, share, and adapt for any purpose. HESA open data is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. You must give appropriate credit (HESA,, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if any changes have been made.

We want our data to be as useful, and useable, as possible. If you have feedback on our open data releases please let us know via the feedback form at the right of every data page. If you come across great uses of HESA data we'd love to hear about them - please email

We have an Open Data Strategy in which we set out our commitments to the principles of open data.

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