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KIS record 2015/16

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KIS record 2015/16

Release notes

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Version 1.10 Produced 2016-02-08

This release includes the following changes:

Accreditation changes

The following change has been made to the Accreditation information table:

  • The URL for ACCTYPE 09510 relating to the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) has been amended.
  • ACCTYPE 09512 has been removed.
  • ACCTYPE 19001 has been removed due to the closure of The College of Social Work.

Full details of the changes since the release of coding manual version 1.9 can be viewed in the Revision history document, against version 1.10.


Note that characters such as '<' and '&' should be XML encoded in order to be valid markup e.g. for '&lt;' and '&amp;' respectively as HESA does not currently support the use of <![CDATA[]]> sections to return such characters.

Providers are asked to read through the Collaborative provision document to ensure the correct provider is returning a KIS.

Further background information on KIS is available from the HEFCE website.

Need help?

If you have any queries relating to this documentation please note Higher Education Providers (HEPs) should email Institutional Liaison in the first instance and Further Education Colleges (FECs) should email in the first instance.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.