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Unistats record 2017/18 - How is the Unistats data published?

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Unistats record 2017/18 - How is the Unistats data published?

Version 1.0 Produced 2017-03-07

Unistats website

The data captured in the Unistats record is integrated with data from other sources, such as the HESA Student and AP Student records, the Individualised Learner Record, the National Student Survey and the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey, to form the Unistats dataset. This is published on the Unistats website, which is updated weekly with any revisions to submissions. Any updates that are signed off by 12 noon on a Tuesday, will go live on the Unistats website on the Wednesday of that week. The Unistats website is managed by OfS on behalf of the four UK higher education funding bodies.

Unistats widget

Elements of the data also appear on the Unistats widget. This is a small graphical display which appears on provider's websites. The widget was designed to display Unistats data in context on undergraduate course pages and can be configured to draw data from the corresponding course on the Unistats website. When a user clicks on the widget, they are taken to the course record on Unistats where they can access further information about that course and compare it to others. .

Open dataset

Other providers of information, or those wishing to use the Unistats dataset for other purposes, may use the Unistats application programming interface (API) to access the dataset, or download it from the Unistats datasets page on HESA website.

Data suppression

Where providers identify errors in the Unistats dataset which cannot be amended by updating and resubmitting the data, they may request suppression of the affected data. This may be necessary in cases where the error is within linked returns such as the Student or AP Student returns or the DLHE survey. To request a suppression, providers should contact detailing the nature of the issue, the precise cause of the problem, and the data affected.

The funding bodies may suppress Unistats data, without a request from the provider, where there is evidence of inappropriate influence on the NSS results or other evidence that the data is not sufficiently robust for publication.

There is no guarantee that other organisations using the Unistats dataset will update their data on a regular basis and so updated or suppressed data may remain unchanged on other sites.

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.