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Graduate Outcomes Contact Details record 2022/23

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Student / Graduate Outcomes population changes

Version 1.0 Produced 2024-06-26

In exceptional circumstances providers can, with agreement from their regulator/funder, make changes to their Student return after the Student collection has closed – this is referred to as the fixed database or historic amendment process. As part of this process, a provider may make amendments that affect their Graduate Outcomes population during or after a Graduate Outcomes cohort.

However, it is important to note that these changes could have implications for both the response rate and / or the cost profile of the survey.

Where changes are made to the Student data that remove a graduate from the population that has already completed the survey the provider’s response rate will be reduced, and if significant enough, the sector response rate may also be affected. Over-surveying of graduates is something that HESA wants to avoid for a number of reasons; graduates are less likely to respond in the future if they have already and there are costs associated with each telephone survey, irrespective of whether the response is used or not. This means that an incorrect population can inflate the cost of running the survey.

Changes may also be made that increase the population for a provider. Where these changes are made, HESA will include the graduate in the relevant survey provided it is still open so it is important that any errors in the Student record that incorrectly exclude graduates are addressed as quickly as possible.

How can a provider ensure their population is correct?

To help ensure that the Graduate Outcomes population is correct, HESA provides a number of resources for providers to use during the Student collection. Within the HDP there are a number of Credibility reports that show a breakdown of the population (including by subject and level), and provide the previous year's data for comparison. HESA would encourage providers to engage with these reports during the collection process to ensure that they are reflective of your graduate population.

Data from the Student record is made available in the Graduate Outcomes Provider Portal so that Graduate Outcomes Record contacts can upload contact details; this Student record population data is updated nightly until a provider signs-off their Student record, which finalises (freezes) the population in the Graduate Outcomes Provider Portal. HESA encourages providers to review these files as early as possible to enable corrections to be made before the Student data is signed off.

What should a provider do if they think the population is incorrect?

If the Student collection is still open, please contact the colleagues involved in making the Student return. If varify who they are for a provider please contact the Liaison team and they will be able to provide details where appropriate.

If the Student collection has closed, a provider should notify the Liaison team and they will provide instructions on what to do next.

HESA will assess Graduate Outcomes population impacts on a case-by-case basis for providers who amend their Student data and will assess any significant implications this has from a cost and response perspective. If a significant impact has been made, then HESA may liaise with the provider and their regulator to discuss any necessary action.

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.