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New series of free masterclasses for 2023/24 Student Record data return (23056) 

We are pleased to announce a new series of free masterclasses designed to support Record Contacts at higher education providers with the next HESA Student Record data return for 2023/24 (23056 collection). 

The first five webinars in the series will take place in May and June 2024. They will cover resources, coding manuals and tolerances, as well as addressing issues identified by providers via the post-collection survey and events for 22056 collection. The focus for these masterclasses will be on helping providers with queries and resources in the run up to the interim submission deadline of 21 August 2024. 

Book now to secure your place on our free bitesize webinar series:   

23rd May 2024, 14:00 pm - HESA Website Navigation and Additional Resources: We will explore key resources that will guide you through the Student Record 23056 data return. Explore coding manuals, support guides, and e-learning modules, ideal for new staff or those seeking resource optimisation.  

HESA Website Navigation and Additional Resources  

24th May 2024, 14:00pm - Dormancy Guidance and Scenarios: We’ll cover the significance of the SessionStatus entity in the Student Record and gain proficiency in recording different Dormancy scenarios.   

Dormancy Guidance and Scenarios  

30th May 2024, 14:00pm - StudentCourseSession & SessionYear Guidance and Scenarios: Delve into StudentCourseSession and SessionYear entities to gain insights into their distinct purposes and the link between them. We will look at various scenarios to gain insight into the application of these entities.  

StudentCourseSession & SessionYear Guidance and Scenarios  

12th June 2024, 14:00pm - August Interim Submission Requirements: Understand the rationale behind the August interim submission. Gain clarity on data collection schedules, deadlines, and milestones to ensure confidence in the submission process.  

August Interim Submission Requirements  

13th June 2024; 14:00pm - Guidance and Support on Tolerances: Gain insight into rolling tolerances and effectively raise tolerance overrides. Navigate through potential discrepancies with confidence and accuracy while understanding upcoming changes to credibility.  

Guidance and Support on Tolerances  

Can't make these dates? These webinars will be recorded and made available on the Student record training page

Upcoming masterclasses to support you with final submission: 

We will be announcing further webinars as part of this new series of masterclasses over the coming weeks. These will take place August – October 2024 and focus on credibility checking, derived fields, IRIS reports and approval process, ahead of the 25 October 2024 deadline to submit the final data file for 2023/24 HESA Student Record data return (23056 collection).  

If you have any further queries about the masterclass series, please contact  


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