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Data Futures programme update March 2023

We emailed the following Data Futures programme update on 31 March to all Accountable Officers / Heads of provider and Senior contacts. If you have any feedback or queries, please contact

Data Futures March 2023 programme update

We are writing to provide a Data Futures programme update and requirements for the 2022/23 collection. 

We communicate regularly with your operational representatives, but as our nominated Senior and Head of provider contacts, it’s important that you are aware of the interim submissions required this year.

HESA Data Platform now live

We are pleased to announce the HESA Data Platform (HDP) is now live and open for providers to submit Student data, and we would like to thank providers for their engagement in readiness activities to date.

  • Providers will use the HDP to complete the May and August 2023 interim submissions and the Student 22056 collection. Nominated Student Record contacts at all providers have received identity system (IDS) roles to log in to the new system and details of the requirements for interim submissions.
  • We will continue to release e-learning and guidance as part of your subscription.

In England, providing data to HESA forms part of your provider’s ongoing conditions of registration with the Office for Students, specifically ongoing condition of registration F4.

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland providing data to HESA is a mandatory requirement for publicly funded higher education providers.

2023 interim submissions

We require all providers across nations to complete two interim submissions in May 2023 and August 2023. 

  • The deadline for the May interim submission is Wednesday 31 May 2023.
  • The deadline for the August interim submission is Friday 18 August 2023.
  • We hosted interim submission webinars for operational contacts in February and March: we have published one of the webinar recordings and questions and answers in the 22056 Support guides.

Deadlines and interim submission requirements are available in the 22056 coding manual data collection schedule.

Monitoring provider engagement and readiness

We will continue to monitor provider engagement and activity and share information with Statutory Customers throughout the May and August 2023 interim submissions and the opening of the 2022/23 collection. 

Please share this update with the relevant parts of your organisation to ensure all are on track to submit a successful Student 2022/23 Return.

We expect providers to contact if they have specific concerns and we will escalate and investigate as required. 


Press Officer