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Student record 2014/15

HESA Student record 2014/15


This section is an introduction and overview of the C14051 Student record collection.

  • Introduction - Background information relating to the collection
  • Data protection guidance - Information about how Data Protection legislation affects the processing of Student data by HESA

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Data specification

This section contains information about the record specification.

  • Coverage of the record - The criteria for the return of data in the record
  • Reduced returns - Information on the data items required for the reduced returns
  • Data model - Describes the entities included in the record and the relationship between them
  • Data items - Directory of all data items collected, and the guidance surrounding them. Displayed by entity, and sortable for ease of searching
  • File structure - Describes the physical structure of the record
  • C14051.xsd - Schema for the structure of the XML file
  • C14051DataTypes.xsd - Schema for the data types used in the XML file
  • C14051CodeLists.xsd - Schema for the valid codes for use in the XML file
  • Derived field specifications - Contains the list and specifications of the derived fields applied by HESA. Derived fields are used by HESA to create populations and groupings for analysis

Further guidance

This section contains additional information to assist in understanding and compiling the return.

UCAS data for HESA transaction

This section contains information about the UCAS data for HESA (*J) transaction, designed to provide HEPs with data originating from UCAS that is to be used in returning
the HESA Student record.

Submission process and quality assurance

This section contains information relating to the data submission process together with tools to assist in data quality assurance.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.