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This section of the Survey methodology sets out HESA (part of Jisc)’s policy, approaches and standards for dissemination of data from the Graduate Outcomes survey.

This section of the Survey methodology sets out HESA’s policy, approaches and standards for dissemination of data from the Graduate Outcomes survey. The goal of this section is to support users and stakeholders by explaining the products and services through which this data will be disseminated, the processes and approaches used by HESA, and our approach to use of data standards (i.e. how we use the data to express key concepts in Graduate Outcomes). This information is important because it allows stakeholders, such as HE providers, to understand how data will be used in HESA statistical products and disseminated to third party-users. It also assists data users in making informed choices about how they utilise the published data and statistics.

This section will be updated over time, as further decisions are made in relation to the above areas and to provide further detail on any additional areas which are subject to significant numbers of queries from stakeholders.

Please refer to our glossary page for definitions of terms.

Contents of the Dissemination section

Next: Key users and uses