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Definitions: Estates management

From 2019/20, the entire Estates management record (EMR) return is optional for HE providers in England and Northern Ireland. A number of data items are mandatory for HE providers in England and Northern Ireland who choose to make an Estates management record return, which are highlighted below. For HE providers in Wales, the entire Estates management record return is statutory and there are a number of data items that are mandatory to return, which are highlighted below. The entire collection is optional for HE providers in Scotland, although they are encouraged to contribute to and make use of the information. HE providers in Scotland who choose to make an Estates management record return must complete Residential space total (SRESPT).

For 2018/19 and prior, most data items in the Estates management record are optional for HE providers to return, although the majority of HE providers have submitted data in each year of collection. A number of data items are mandatory for HE providers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to return and are highlighted below. The entire collection is optional for HE providers in Scotland, although they are encouraged to contribute to and make use of the information. HE providers in Scotland who choose to make an Estates management record return must complete Residential space total (SRESPT).

Estates data

* indicates mandatory data items [for HE providers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland returning EMR]

Finance data

Student data

Staff data

HESA provides higher education providers (HEPs) with the opportunity to make post-collection amendments to a dataset through the fixed database facility. The fixed database collection opens following the closure of the corresponding live data collection, and remains open for between 6 and 15 months, depending on the data stream; typically longer for the Student record and shorter for other collections. Onward use of information whilst it remains open (for example in HESA open data) will normally be based on the original data collected and not on any amended data submitted through the fixed database facility. Onward use of information after closure of a fixed database will usually be based on the fixed data. For further information about the changes please contact us via