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Graduate Outcomes Subscription

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The Graduate Outcomes fee model balances our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible service for the sector as a whole with ensuring we recover the costs of running the survey. The model includes:

  • a fixed administration fee per provider (to cover the fixed costs of the service which include things like the management of the data specification, the provider support service and the analysis and publication functions) but at a reduced amount.
  • separate per graduate core fees for UK/EU graduates and non-EU domicile international graduates.
  • a premium to the core fee for question bank K (see below for more information on question banks) mandated by OfS for England, but not by its equivalents in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Additional premiums for mandated question banks will continue to apply for as long as they are mandated.

The annual fixed and per graduate rates to apply are:

  August 2023 - July 2024
  Fixed fee Per UK/EU graduate Per non-EU domicile
international graduate*
England £425 £6.51 £4.36
Scotland £425 £6.30 £4.15
Wales £425 £6.30 £4.15
Northern Ireland £425 £6.30 £4.15

As part of our drive to provide subscribers with the best value for our services, we have made every effort to keep costs down. Although we were able to absorb the impact of inflation for 2023/24 and keep subscription costs static, subscription costs for 2024/25 do reflect a 3% increase (on the figures quoted above) on the amount we will collect from the sector as a whole (compared to the current cpi rate of 4.2%). Notifications will be sent, as appropriate, to finance teams with full subscription details.

* Graduates with a HOMEEUOS = 3

Opt-in question bank costs

We offer each institution the option to select additional opt-in question banks (pre-determined supplementary questions that sit outside of the core set of survey questions). The opt-in question banks are each individually priced and depend on two factors: the opt-in bank selected and the number of students in the Graduate Outcomes population that are eligible for the question set. 

For the 2022/23 (C22071) collection, some statutory customers have chosen to mandate certain question banks for providers. These will appear as pre-selected in the provider portal and cannot be changed. Providers can have up to a total of three opt-in question banks, including those mandated by statutory customers.

A breakdown of each individual bank cost can be found below:

Opt-in question banks Population covered Net cost per graduate in the population VAT Total cost per graduate in the population
I - Finding a job All graduates 21p 4p 25p
J - Net Promoter Score All graduates 21p 4p 25p
K - Graduate Choice All graduates 21p 4p 25p
L - Research Students All research council graduates (as defined in the Student record) N/A – mandated by UKRI N/A N/A
M - Newly Qualified Teachers All teacher training graduates (as defined in the Student/Student Alternative records) 38p 8p 46p
N - Careers Service All graduates 10p 2p 12p